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Effect of social discipline and work consciousness on nurses' productivity by considering mediating role of organizational commitment in public hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences
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Amirianzadeh, M., Hosseini, N., & Razmjooei, P. (2018). Effect of social discipline and work consciousness on nurses’ productivity by considering mediating role of organizational commitment in public hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Revista Publicando, 5(16 (1), 134-177. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1494


Aim and literature:   Nowadays, organizations have found that their most important capitals are human resources which are an important factor in the success and development of any organization and any other organization isn”™t able to achieve all of its goals without them. Therefore, the main aim of the present study is analyzing the effect of social discipline and work consciousness on nurses' productivity by considering mediating role of organizational commitment. Methodology: The present research is an applied- descriptive study in terms of gathering data and it is a field study. It is also a casual- survey study in terms of the relationship between research variables. Its most important benefit is the ability of generalizing the results which was done in 1396 periodically. The statistical population of this study included the employed nurses of hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The sample size was 220 persons which were selected by a cluster – multistage sampling method. The standard questionnaire was used for gathering information. Its validity and reliability was confirmed. Pearson correlation test and structural equation modeling were used for analyzing the relationship between variables, measuring the fitness of the research model and testing the hypotheses using SPSS 22 and Amos22 software.   Findings: results showed that the research model has a good fitness. Social discipline has a significant effect on nurses' productivity. Work consciousness has a significant effect on nurses' productivity. Organizational commitment also facilitates the relationship between social discipline and work consciousness. Conclusion: The results showed that organizational commitment has potential and serious effects on the organizational performance, so neglecting it is harmful for the organization and it is costly.

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