The article reviews the major directions of ecolinguistics that is one of the new paradigms in the linguistics of today. The peculiarities of studying of language as means of formation of harmonic environment of social interaction are dealt with. When estimating ecologically meaningful linguistic objects, it is suggested to distinguish two approaches: ecology of language and ecology of a human being. Each of the approaches is mediated by language factors salient in different statuses. The article deals with the approach for researching ecolinguistic problems from the position of the influence of language/text environment on human health and the principles of health safety. A human being of today who lives in the information society has unavoidably become an object of the influence of numerous phenomena of semiotic nature. Communication through natural language seems to be one of these phenomena. The findings by this approach will allow to balance several issues of human environment instability and extend the facilities of ecosystem by integration of special notions, methods and ways of linguistic analysis and giving them status of universal instruments for humanitarian tasks implementation.
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