This paper presents the degree of incidence, ethiology, traumatic injuries structure, and assessment of local level of TNFα, IFNΠand IL-10 in patients with chronic posttraumatic osteomyelitis and simple jaw fractures. Among the causes for fractures, predominance of civilian trauma is revealed (82.5%) provided that the majority of injured (64.7%) suffered the injury under the influence of alcohol. Main factors aiding occurrence of pyoinflammatory complications in patients with fractures of the lower jaw are as follows: late request for quality medical assistance by the injured person; poor-quality of immobilization; presence of a tooth in the fracture cleft, and comorbidity. The research demonstrates that immunological indicators of mixed saliva reflect the dynamics of a local inflammation. It is found that the level of TNFα, IL-10 may be additional immunological markers for development of posttraumatic osteomyelitis of the lower jaw.
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