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National interests of the USA and Russia:comparative legal analysis
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Belyaeva, G. S., Belyaev, V. P., Bidova, B. B., Rasskazov, L. P., & Potapov, V. J. (2018). National interests of the USA and Russia:comparative legal analysis. Revista Publicando, 5(14 (2), 761-769. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1203


This article is devoted to the comparative analysis of doctrinal approaches concerning the determination of national interests in the US and Russia, their legal consolidation and implementation practice in modern conditions. The features of the North American and Russian approaches to the issues of strategic planning and the development of program documents in the field of national interest provision are established and systematized. The content of the United States and the Russian Federation National Security Strategies is compared in terms of national interests and the spheres of their implementation consolidation.

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