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Composite in Fiber Production and Its Application in Nanotechnology
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Composite in Fiber Production and Its Application in Nanotechnology. (2018). Revista Publicando, 5(14 (2), 681-688. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1194


Nanostructure fibers composite are fibers that nanoscale fillers such as nanoparticles are used in their preparation. In fact, due to the unique intrinsic properties of nanomaterials including large surface area, porosity, stability, permeability, etc., special opportunities for the production of fibers composites with specific performance is provided. It is thus possible with the use of nanomaterials with unique properties of nanoscale dimensions, high volume surface area, etc., produce conventional fibers with better properties and more practicality.

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