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Climate Change and Global warming overview; Assessing Climate Change and Global Warming in local scale
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problema científico
herramientas de investigación

Cómo citar

Rezaie Narimisa, M., & Rezaie Narimisa, M. (2018). Climate Change and Global warming overview; Assessing Climate Change and Global Warming in local scale. Revista Publicando, 5(14 (2), 570-580. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1187


The purpose of this research is to identify climate change in Iran. For the purpose of this research, daily precipitation data, temperature (day and night) (1437 synchronic, climatic and rain gauging stations) were used during the period from 16/9/1966 to 16/9/2016. The data were interpolated using the Kriging interpolation method in cells of 15 í— 15 2 km, and a matrix was created in the size of 15706 í— 7187 days that was placed on the rows of the day and placed on the columns of the cells. With the help of the 27 Climate Change Indicators introduced by the Climate Change Identification and Climate Change Expert Team 3, a study was conducted to explore the climate change in Iran. The results of this study showed that the 4 (g) SU of summer days (SU25), hot days (TX90p), hot nights (TN90p) and night nights (TR20) are increasing during the study period. While the cold-frost indexes trend, including freezing days (FD), ice days (ID), cold nights (TN10p) and cold days (TX10p), are down and decreasing. It has been prolonged and, conversely, cold waves have become shorter. Increasing the nightly temperature rate compared to the daily temperature has led to a decrease in the temperature range of the night. Also, the results of this study showed that the frequency of rainfall is increasing.  

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Abrahimi, H. Alizadeh, A. and Javanmard, S. 2004. Investigation of temperature change in Mashhad plain as the index of climate change in region, Geographical research. 4: 5-18. (In Persian)

.Alexander, L.V. Zhang, X. Peterson, T.C. Caesar, J. Gleason, B. Klein Tank, AMG. Haylock, M. Collins, D. Trewin, B. Rahimzadeh, F. Tagipour, A. Rupa Kumar, K. Revadekar, J. Griffiths, G. Vincent, L. Stephenson, D.B. Burn,

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