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Robustness and Reliability Evaluation of a model for firm performance
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Yánez Morales, V. P., Bellah Conteh, S., & Rivadeneira Pérez, A. (2018). Robustness and Reliability Evaluation of a model for firm performance. Revista Publicando, 5(14 (2), 166-182. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1137


Giving and seeking help are basic individuals”™ needs; currently helping in the workplace is a subject of great interest. This research aim is to evaluate the reliability and robustness of a model for firm performance, through the variables of seeking and giving help for a good business performance. This research has a qualitative-quantitative approach of correlational, explanatory, cross-sectional type, in five Ecuador-China collaborative work companies. As a tool for data collection, a survey was used, which was later validated by experts using the Murayama's method, a pilot test was carried out and after that the reliability was determined by the Cronbach”™s Alpha method. Finally, the theoretical model prepared has the reliability and robustness to be applied in the analysis and projections of the studied companies all this is confirmed by statistical methods. These methods are used in their evaluation and it was concluded that when there are quality interpersonal relationships (RQ), seeking help (HS) is more frequent or probable. In labour relationships, the relationships of hierarchy (HR) together with the mediator for help seeking (HS) are effectively correlated. It was shown that when Hierarchy Relationships (HR) are satisfactory, it is more viable to provide help (HG); however, the model showed that these variables have no significant relationships on firm performance.

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