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Troubleshooting Prospective Problems Associated with the Implementation of Communicative Language Teaching in the EFL Context
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Kutubkhanah Alsyed, H. (2018). Troubleshooting Prospective Problems Associated with the Implementation of Communicative Language Teaching in the EFL Context. Revista Publicando, 5(14 (1), 380-402. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1107


In this era of practical language learning, the communicative language teaching (CLT) appears to be the perfect teaching model. The significance of using the CLT increases remarkably in the context of using the language as a medium for communication. The implementation of the communicative approach in teaching English as a foreign language is, however, pervaded with a number of prospective problems that are potential hazards in achieving favorable results. These anticipated issues may affect the learning outcome and make it not as efficient as expected. The current study aims at examining the potential problems that may have a negative impact on communicative language teaching in EFL contexts and the author intends to present the possible solutions for such problems. One of the aims of this study is to promote the consciousness concerning the prospective problems of implementing CLT and present practical solutions to facilitate it for both EFL teachers and learners. In order to efficiently use CLT as one of the most productive teaching methods in EFL, it is essential to provide informed ideas on the successful management of teaching and learning activities.

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