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Comparison of the Modern Earth”™s Gravity Field Models
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Novlyanskaya, I. O., & Kascheev, R. A. (2017). Comparison of the Modern Earth”™s Gravity Field Models. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (2), 1027-1037. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1032


Investigations of structure of gravitational fields of Earth and other celestial bodies represent an important and complex problem which relevance is generated by increase of flight activity in Solar system and growth of requirements to the accuracy of the solution of the navigation and geophysical tasks connected with it. Article is devoted to comparison with each other of the models of gravitational field of Earth constructed according to the space missions of GRACE and GOCE. Special attention in work is paid to comparison of only satellite models with the models combined   for which creation along with satellite data materials of gravimetric data and a satellite altimetry of a surface of the World Ocean data were used. The new technique of comparison of models by calculation of differences of values of couples of harmonious coefficients of these two models having identical indexes is offered. Results of calculations show the good consent of the compared models of gravitational potential of the Earth in low-frequency area.

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