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Definition of mutual influence of IT-Market and Market of Innovations
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Garipova, E. N., Bolshov, A. V., & Nikiforova, E. G. (2017). Definition of mutual influence of IT-Market and Market of Innovations. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (3), 1044-1054. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1031


The research is aimed at building an integrated imitation of processes occurring in the regional economy and assessment of the mutual influence of the most important parameters that allow explaining the nature of "disturbances" in the national economy to ensure the conduct of an effective and productive economic policy in the field of interaction of information technologies and innovation policy. We offer to use a modified system functional model of a market economy with the inclusion of the market of innovations and the market of information technologies in it in this article. The market of innovations and the IT-market fit into the economy model of the Republic of Tatarstan in connection with the classical markets of production factors at the same time: labor market, capital market and commodity market. This allowed discovering the interdependence of the cost and quantity indicators of these markets, describing these relationships in a mathematical form and giving a graphic representation of them. At the same time, we received both stable interdependencies and unstable and less stable ones, which made it possible to rely on them when drawing conclusions based on the results of model construction.The article shows the analysis results of statistical data and includes a formed system functional model of market economy with the inclusion of the market of innovations and the market of information technologies of the Republic of Tatarstan.The result of this work is the author's comments and recommendations for the construction of state policy of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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