The control role in processes of introduction, functioning and development of a lean management at the Russian enterprises is considered. By results of the conducted research need of transformation of the traditional control system is proved; the directions of changes are determined by levels of management and in different stages of a lean management. For minimization of risks at a stage of introduction of each of tools of an economical production instruments, methods and technologies of control are offered. As the main difference of the organization of control in safe system control of the formalized algorithms on the principles of self-government and self-checking, characteristic mainly for the grassroots level of management. Upon transition to higher levels of management the strategy of control changes from bureaucratic to cultural control. Control in economical production has the specific set of characteristics as a subsystem of a control system bears all system signs of lean - management. The effective control system on the basis of philosophy of economical production covering the social and technological making lean-systems is a factor of successful introduction and functioning of this concept. Analyzing the main characteristics of the concept authors tried to give the answer to a question of their compatibility with requirements of a modern business environment.
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