Neoclassical, institutional and planned approaches to the formation and activation of industrial potential are considered. A synthetic approach is proposed that integrates the main elements of neoclassical, institutional and planning directions to the formation and realization of industrial potential on the basis of engineering and manufacturing chains. It is substantiated that the most significant strategic direction of development of a engineering and manufacturing chain should be the formation of its fifth level, namely, high-tech processing of plastics. For the production of plastic products for both consumer and industrial use, the potential demand for which is quite substantial in the economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, high capital intensive production is not required. Accordingly, this niche may well be filled by small and medium-sized enterprises cooperating with enterprises of the third and fourth levels of the engineering and manufacturing chain belonging to the oil and gas chemical complex. The measures on state assistance in the formation of a system of small and medium-sized business entities are considered, and further development of the industrial potential of the oil and gas chemical complex in the Republic of Tatarstan based on the development of engineering and manufacturing chains is expedient to make more active use of public and private interaction. The proposed mechanism of public and private interaction assumes that the state (represented by regional authorities) gratuitously receives a certain additional minority stake in the capital of enterprises participating in the engineering and manufacturing chain of the oil and gas chemical complex in the exchange for the obligation of price compensation.
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Methodological recommendations on the implementation of cluster policy in the subjects of the Russian Federation / / Letter of the Russia's Ministry of Economic Development and Trade Russian Federation dated December 26, 2008. No. 20615-ÐК / D19
Program for the development and placement of the productive forces in the Republic of Tatarstan based on the cluster approach until 2020 and for the future until 2030 // www. mep. tatar. ru
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