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Innovative development of enterprises as a condition of Russian import substitutionort Substitution
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switching technologies

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Lukishina, L. V., Melnik, A. N., & Maierufi, M. (2017). Innovative development of enterprises as a condition of Russian import substitutionort Substitution. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (3), 823-833. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1003


Sanctions pressure from Western countries caused serious injury to a sector of the Russian economy and had a negative impact on its socio-economic and innovative development. In the current conditions, import substitution is viewed as one of the most important directions for the development of Russian economy and overcoming the consequences of imposed sanctions. The programs of import substitution, developed and implemented in various sectors of the economy, presuppose the organization of manufacturing of sanctions products at Russian enterprises. They are focused, first of all, on the catching-up development of technologically advanced countries. In order to change the current situation, it is necessary to develop an import substitution strategy, which is focused on solving not only current, but also strategic tasks of priority development of the country's economy. As a result of the study, the possible consequences of implementation the various scenarios of Russian economy development,under the conditions of continued sanctions pressure from Western countries, were analyzed, with the use of proposed approaches to solving the problems of import substitution. In order to mitigate possible consequences of sanctions pressure, and to achieve high rates of economic growth, special emphasis should be placed on the need to transform the processes of innovation development of enterprises.

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