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The Experimental Research of “Techno-R” Technology in Teaching the Aspect of speaking a Foreign Language as a type of Vocal Activity
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Mamaeva, A. D., Vassilieva, V. N., Nazarova, G. I., Galeeva, G. I., & Leblanc, C. (2017). The Experimental Research of “Techno-R” Technology in Teaching the Aspect of speaking a Foreign Language as a type of Vocal Activity. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (2), 517-525. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/911


The article is devoted to the search for effective ways of formation of speech competence of students in learning foreign languages. The article describes the experimental study of the "Techno-R" technique  developed at the Kazan Federal University in the field of teaching foreign languages. The article discusses the thematic and procedural structure of the technology, outlines its scientific justification. The authors describe the contents and the course of the experiment in detail on the example of teaching speaking as a type of speech activity in French on the topic "self-portrait", which clearly shows how to implement the generalized approach to the educational tasks at this stage an indicative basis of speech acts, which subsequently leads to the transfer of skills to the new speech conditions. The experiment was carried out with two sections of speaking both before and after the application of technology "Techno-R". To determine the reliability obtained in the experiment results the method of mathematical statistics "T-student's criterion" was used. The calculation was carried out according to the established parameters  of comparison of results before and after experiential learning. The parameters were expressed in digital assessment of the quality of foreign speech (oral statements). Counting on the "T-criterion of student's" demonstrated the value of t>2, namely t=5,973, which indicates the validity of the experimentally obtained data and efficiency of technology "Techno-R" in the field of teaching speaking in a foreign language.

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