Moral and ethical values are the most important component of culture out of which development of modern society is impossible. Therefore the tasks facing modern school become priority. This all-pedagogical problem in a varying degree is solved now by means of all subjects, all system of school educational work.
The changed social and political situation forms the basis of school improvement, formation of new outlook, establishing consciousness of students through the value of historical links to the previous life of the Fatherland and the people.
Literature has inherited the leading role in humanization education. From here its main direction, effective function and ultimate goal: by forces of art of the word in live interrelation of all educational tools to raise the real Person.
In article questions of forming student moral values on the example of Razil Valeev's works are considered. The principles of forming the moral values which are based on the meaning of the human life valuable and the life of society are formulated: valuable attitude towards the Person; search of meaning of life through heroes of the work "I Wish to Live!". The analysis of scientific literature allowed allocating a number of its characteristics: education of the person as subject of an act; finding a dominant in depths of the life and others.
Borovoy Yakov. The April revolution ended in April / Yakov Borovoy//Modern times, 1992, No. 17, S. 26-29.
Gabidullina, F.I., Sattarova, G.G. (2015) Reflects the traditions in contemporary prose. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. Vol 6 (5S2), pp.: 201 - 203.
Ostrovsky N. As steel became tempered: Novel, M.: "Contemporary", 1980, 364 pages.
Valeev R. I Wish to Live!, M.: "Contemporary", 1986. 251 pages.
Valeev R. The chosen work (in Tatar). 4 volumes. Vol. 2. Novel and stories, Kazan: Millie Kitap, 1999. 496 pages.
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