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Content and conditions for forming the cluster of pedagogic competences in the system of values of design studies undergraduates
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Gabdrakhmanova, E., & Morozova, T. (2018). Content and conditions for forming the cluster of pedagogic competences in the system of values of design studies undergraduates. Revista Publicando, 5(16 (1), 229-236. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1498


One of the burning issues of the Russian system of higher education is lack of mechanisms for interaction with the labour market. Both employers and university graduates have noted a tendency of job placement irrelevant to the degree field. Many Design Studies graduates, due to high competition in the labour market, choose to go in for teaching. An academic university, in contrast to a teacher training higher institution, can offer only a limited part of the curriculum for teacher training of students. In this regard, the problem of forming a cluster of pedagogic competences among academic students at the stage of professional training is important nowadays. It includes acquiring professionally important skills, personal qualities, theory, professional skills and developing a system of values essential for a teacher. The system of values as part of teacher training of students of non-teacher training institutions consists in promoting the formation of integral personal characteristics that act as direct indicators of the formation of their pedagogic competences. The authors of the article have conducted a study to determine the content and conditions for the formation of a cluster of pedagogic competences in the system of values of Design Studies undergraduates of Kazan Federal University, related them to similar values of teachers working in the field of general education, suggested ways to optimize the process of providing teacher training for academic students and grounded the leading role of teaching practice in the matter.

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