Alternatives for the scientific production evaluation for the Social Sciences. A look from technoscience as a social phenomenon | Revista Publicando
Alternatives for the scientific production evaluation for the Social Sciences. A look from technoscience as a social phenomenon


Science assessment
Research evaluation
Scientific production
Social technoscience
Social Sciences Evaluación científica
Evaluación de la investigación
Producción científica
Tecnociencia social
Ciencias Sociales

How to Cite

Ortiz Núñez, R. (2023). Alternatives for the scientific production evaluation for the Social Sciences. A look from technoscience as a social phenomenon. Revista Publicando, 10(40), 14-27.


The evaluation of science is a subject that has generated debates and tensions in the scientific and academic community. The dominant model for the evaluation of scientific activity presents a series of criticisms and limitations, with special emphasis on the field of Social Sciences. In order to propose solutions to this phenomenon, the research formulates as a general objective to develop an alternative model of scientific production evaluation for the Social Sciences field, from the perspective of technoscience as a social phenomenon. The research raises methodological triangulation, by integrating qualitative and quantitative analysis approaches, which include methods and techniques such as bibliographic review, application of traditional metrics and alternative science measurement, as well as the application of interviews, surveys and the Delphi method. An analysis of the state of the matter was carried out, which made it possible to identify the questions, criticisms and limitations of the science evaluation processes, which contributed to establishing a balance in relation to the contributions, discussions, inputs, referential frameworks, conceptions, approaches and perspectives. The proposal is based on the techno-scientific changes introduced in the knowledge production that allow a complementation between the knowledge production and society. From this perspective, the quality and relevance of the scientific research results, epistemological diversity and the active participation of the academic and social community are promoted.


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