Informalidad laboral en la administracion del deporte en Chihuahua | Revista Publicando
Informalidad laboral en la administracion del deporte en Chihuahua
issue 35 of Revista Publicando


labor informality
social security
university community informalidad laboral
seguridad social
comunidad universitaria

How to Cite

Soto Valenzuela, M. C., Aceves Almeida, C. A. ., Franco Gallegos, L. I., Joya Ramírez, F. ., & Barreras Villavelázquez, T. de J. (2022). Informalidad laboral en la administracion del deporte en Chihuahua. Revista Publicando, 9(35), 116-122.


In this article, the objective was to analyze the perception of university students about labor informality in sports administration. This research belongs to a cross-sectional and comparative descriptive study, where 365 university students participated. The instrument used to compare the perception of labor informality in sports administration was an opinion survey in digital mode with a Cronbach's Alpha of .881. The results showed that 61.5% of the university students present an ideal concept of labor informality, 38.5% think they have participated in labor informality. 95.4% of university students consider that labor informality in sports administration is a barrier to the economic development of sports. Significant differences were found between the role within the university, where administrators show significantly greater control over labor informality in sports administration [F(2,364)= 3.703, p<.030], than the other participants. Therefore, it is concluded that, based on the opinions of university students, a more in-depth study is required with the participation of a representative population or sample in labor informality within the administration of sport; due to ignorance of the subject and the unconscious incursion into it. Due to the above, it is proposed that instances or institutions carry out research with social impact in the states with the highest rate of labor informality in sports administration.


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Ma. Concepción Soto Valenzuela, Celina Almendra Aceves Almeida, Leticia Irene Franco Gallegos, Francisco Joya Ramírez, Teresa de Jesús Barreras Villavelázquez


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