Revista Publicando is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Revista Publicando Publishing House (RPPH). Established in 2014 during the First Course-Workshop "Publicación en Revistas Indexadas" in Ecuador, the journal has become a recognized platform for researchers, academics, and professionals worldwide.
The primary mission of Revista Publicando is to promote the publication of original contributions in the field of social sciences. The journal welcomes a wide variety of academic works, including:
- Research articles
- Theoretical articles
- Review articles (systematic and literature reviews)
- Essays
- Book reviews
- Translations
- Letters to the editor
Although the journal initially embraced a multidisciplinary approach, since 2019, it has focused exclusively on social sciences. This shift reflects our commitment to advancing high-quality scholarship that explores human behavior, institutions, cultural dynamics, and societal structures.
Institutional Collaborations
Over the years, Revista Publicando has collaborated with esteemed institutions worldwide, including:
- Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (Ecuador)
- University of Tehran (Iran)
- Universidad Central de Ecuador
- Centro de Estudios Martianos (Cuba)
- Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil (Ecuador)
- University of Havana (Cuba)
- Instituto Superior Tecnológico Particular Sudamericano
These collaborations underscore our dedication to fostering a global forum for scholarly dialogue and advancing research in the social sciences.
What are social sciences?
This is an open-access journal which means that all its content is freely available without charge to the reader or his/her institution. Readers are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Revista Publicando implements its digital preservation policy from the very beginning of the publication. We encourage and help authors in the correct identification and filling of data and metadata. Correct digital preservation begins with an efficient organization of information.
Our archives generated during the review, editing, layout design and publication process are stored in offline devices and cloud storage belonging to Revista Publicando.
In addition, we use different international repositories where the publication is hosted, such as Dialnet and REDIB.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
LOCKSS stores and distributes the content of our journal in collaborating libraries through a page of the LOCKSS editorial manifesto.
The Keepers Registry
The Keepers Registry acts as a global monitor on the archiving arrangements for electronic journals. Revista Publicando in The Keepers Registry.
By the open nature of the publications carried out in the Open Journal System (OJS), the Editorial Board continually monitors the possibility of plagiarism of the articles published on its pages.
The authors must ensure that the data and results presented are original and have not been copied, invented, distorted, or manipulated.
Plagiarism in all its forms, self-plagiarism, multiple or redundant publication, as well as the invention or manipulation of data, constitute grave breaches of ethics and are considered scientific frauds.
The authors cannot send articles to our journal that are previously submitted to another one.
The authors cannot send items to our journal that, at the same moment, are in review by another journal.
However, it is permissible to publish a work that expands another already appeared as a brief note, communication or summary in the minutes of a congress, provided that the text on which it is based is suitably cited and that the modifications suppose a substantial change of the already published.
Secondary publications are also acceptable if they are addressed to totally different readers, for example, if the work is published in different languages or if there is a version for specialists versus another for the general public. These circumstances must be specified, and the original publication cited appropriately.
Our journal uses Crossref's iThenticate similarity and plagiarism checking service. This service helps Crossref members prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism by providing immediate feedback regarding a manuscript’s similarity to other published academic and general web content, through the iThenticate text comparison software from Turnitin.
Revista Publicando is a signatory of DORA (San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment), in which "a series of recommendations are made to improve how the quality of scientific production is evaluated."
We also make public our adherence to the standards and codes of ethics established by the Committee on Publication Ethics.
The journal is committed to scientific seriousness to collaborate in the elimination of bad practices in the research and publication of academic articles.
In this sense, the authors must ensure that the results declared in the text are entirely original. Plagiarism constitutes a severe ethical fault that will not be allowed. The Editorial Board must act if they suspect that there has been some misconduct or if they receive a report of misconduct. This obligation extends to both published and unpublished documents.
The Editorial Board will not be limited to rejecting documents that raise doubts about possible misconduct. It will do everything possible to first try to obtain a response from the suspects of wrongdoing and then clarify the situation with the parties involved or the institution they belong to start a more exhaustive investigation until a solution to the problem is found.
The Editor will be attentive to intellectual property problems and will work with the Editorial Board to resolve possible infringements of laws and conventions on intellectual property.
The Editor may withdraw papers that have problems of scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of primary or secondary sources, plagiarism, use of sources without due consent, or any other issue that may harm the ethical standards of the journal.
Procedure to sanction bad practices
Definition of “the most common bad practices” by Vázquez Moctezuma (2016):
- Citing sources without having consulted them and omitting references that contradict the research itself.
- Plagiarism, like the lack of academic honesty when a person intentionally copies the ideas, words, design, etc., of someone to present them as their own. And the self-plagiarism when the author does not cite his own previously published articles and takes fragments of those works.
- The segmentation of research or salami science when the researcher reuses fragments of a previous investigation without making explicit references to the original publication.
- The duplicate publication implies the use of total or partial results of an investigation where the authors also change the title, the summary, translate to another language, and add co-authors.
- The manufacture and manipulation of data.
- The undeserved authorship consists of assigning an author without having made a substantial contribution.
- Conflicts of interest between the author and other subjects or entities, almost always involving funding entities, to conduct the investigation towards certain conclusions.
If someone considers that any malpractice has been committed in our journal, you should contact the Editor in Chief.
After being informed or knowing firsthand that a bad practice or suspicious act has been committed, the Editor will examine the fact in question.
The Editor may create a commission to direct the necessary inquiries, investigation, and conclusions.
In some cases, articles may be temporarily retracted from the journal to proceed with the investigation without affecting third party interests.
The Editor will proceed discreetly in gathering information before informing the person involved or directly involved in the event.
Actions will be taken to ensure that whoever reports the accusation is protected.
Actions will be taken to ensure that the accused is protected until his or her participation in the facts is demonstrated convincingly. Individuals accused of bad practices will be protected against false or anonymous accusations. The latter will only be considered if there is enough evidence to investigate the subject.
If the defendant's participation is proven, the article involved will be definitely removed from the journal. For these purposes, the editorial committee will deliver a letter explaining the verdict and the reasons that have led Revista Publicando to withdraw the article.
Commitment of the authors
Originality and fidelity of the data: The authors assure that the work is original and unpublished. This does not contain parts of other authors or other fragments of works already published. Also, they confirm the veracity of the data, that is, that the empirical data have not been altered to verify hypotheses.
Multiple and/or repetitive publications: The author must not publish articles in which the same results are repeated in more than one scientific journal or any other non-academic publication. The simultaneous proposal of the same contribution to multiple scientific journals is considered an ethically incorrect and reprehensible practice.
Attributions, citations, and references: The author must always provide the correct indication of the sources and contributions mentioned in the article.
Authorship: The authors guarantee the inclusion of those persons who have made a significant scientific and intellectual contribution in the conceptualization and planning of the work and the interpretation of the results, and in the writing of the results. At the same time, the order of appearance of the authors according to their level of responsibility and involvement has been hierarchized.
Access and retention: If the members of the Editorial Board consider it appropriate, the authors of the articles should also make available the sources or data on which the research is based, which may be kept for a reasonable period after publication and possibly made accessible.
Conflict of interests and disclosure: The authors must also indicate any funding of agencies and/or projects from which the research article arises.
Errors in published articles: When an author identifies a critical error or inaccuracy in his/her article, he/she must immediately inform the editors of the journal and provide all the necessary information to list the appropriate corrections. These corrections will be made in the form of amendments in the lower part of the same article (always in a note to the margin so as not to alter the publication).
Responsibility: The responsibility of the content of the articles is exclusive to the authors. The authors also commit themselves to carry out a review of the most current and relevant scientific literature of the analyzed topic, keeping in mind the different currents of knowledge.
Commitment of the reviewers
Contribution to the editorial decision: Peer review is a procedure that helps publishers to make decisions about proposed articles and also allows the author to improve the quality of materials submitted for publication. The reviewers assume the commitment to carry out a critical, honest, constructive, and unbiased review of both the scientific quality and the literary quality of the writing in the field of their knowledge and skills.
Respect for review times: The reviewer who does not feel competent in the subject to review or who can not complete the evaluation in the scheduled time should notify the editors immediately.
Confidentiality: Each assigned manuscript must be considered confidential. Therefore, these texts should not be discussed with other people without the express consent of the editors.
Objectivity: The peer review must be carried out objectively. The reviewers are obliged to give sufficient reasons for each of their assessments, always using the review template. Reviewers are required to warn publishers if substantial portions of the work have already been published or are under review for another publication.
Text visualization: The reviewers commit themselves to indicate with precision the bibliographical references of fundamental works possibly forgotten by the author. The reviewer should also inform the editors of any similarities or overlaps of the manuscript with other published works.
Anonymity: To ensure that the review process is as objective, impartial, and transparent as possible, the identity of the authors is deleted from the papers that are submitted for peer review. If, for some reason, the identity of the authors, their institutional affiliations, or any other data that threaten the anonymity of the document has been compromised, the reviewer must immediately notify the editors.
Commitment of the editors
Publication decision: The editors will ensure the selection of the most qualified reviewers and specialists scientifically to issue a critical and expert assessment of the work, with the least possible bias.
Honesty: The editors evaluate the articles sent for publication based on the scientific merit of the contents, without discrimination of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, political opinion of the authors.
Confidentiality: The editors and the members of the working group undertake not to disclose information related to the articles sent to the publication to other persons than authors, reviewers, and editors. The editors and the Editorial Committee are committed to the confidentiality of manuscripts, their authors and reviewers so that anonymity preserves the intellectual integrity of the entire process.
Conflict of interests and disclosure: the publishers agree not to use in their research contents of the articles sent for publication without the written consent of the author.
Respect for the times: The editors are fully responsible for compliance with the time limits for reviews and the publication of accepted papers to ensure rapid dissemination of their results.
The journal operates under the OAI-PMH protocol (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting), which allows the transfer of digital resources, mainly of a scientific nature and of free access. Publicando Journal is in the UIUC OAI registry.