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Higher Professional and Pedagogical Education: Determinants of Quality, Tasks, Solutions and their Conceptual Basis

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Alekseevich Sedov, S., & Nakipovich Valiev, I. (2017). Higher Professional and Pedagogical Education: Determinants of Quality, Tasks, Solutions and their Conceptual Basis. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (2), 740-750. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/935


The relevance of the topic research is confirmed by the high demand for vocational education teachers in secondary vocational educational institutions. The training of such teachers in institutions of higher education is associated with difficulties for which decisions are unsystematic. Consequently, such decisions require rethinking.

The study examines the solutions, the essence of which is in the implementation of standards and quality assurance recommendations in the European Higher Education Area, taking into account the interdependence of the main spheres of a society, the integration of the technocratic and humanitarian paradigms in the training of future teachers of vocational education, and the orientation of higher vocational education for sustainable development of a society and knowledge-based economy. The research problem consists in the need to define a conceptual basis capable of coordinating these decisions. The definition this basis has become the goal of the study.

The methods of investigation were terminological analysis, system analysis, socio-pedagogical analysis, etc.

The author considers  the revealed interdependence of not only the tasks facing educational practice, but also their solutions to be an essential result of the research. The conceptual basis for the coordination of the considered decisions is defined.

Key conclusions: the development of higher professional and pedagogical education in the direction of meeting the requirements of all interested parties for its quality, in our view, should be considered in the context of the concept as "quality culture"



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