The article presents the results of scientific research dedicated to the development of students”™ information competence via IT. According to the Federal state educational standard for Higher education development of students”™ information competence is of primary importance.
The article specifies the content and structure of «student”™s information competence »; determines the objective, content and structure of the study course “Information technology”. The didactic support aimed at forming students”™ information competence via IT was developed and tested.
Grade-rating system was used to monitor the results of students”™ formative and summative assessment in 2015-2017. The average grade in control group was 76, the average grade of the experimental group was 84. The analysis of students”™ information competence formation in both groups showed that the students of experimental group demonstrated a higher level of information competence (average and high). Due to student”™s active participation in the learning process the experimental group showed increase in inner motivation. Research results broaden theoretical framework of IT application in the process of students”™ information competence formation. They can be implemented for teaching IT providing control of students”™ information competence formation.
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