Comparative idioms are one of the actively developed problematic spheres of phraseology. At the moment, detailed consideration is being given to the cultural and structural aspects of the analysis of comparatives. In the present article the author analyzes stylistic features of comparative idioms in the micro-field "slow-wittedness", and their functioning in art texts. It has been revealed that such comparisons are not frequent in artistic texts in view of stylistic limitation of comparisons (often they are dubbed colloquial, contemptuous). Specific standards of comparison are established: these are often the names of animals or a tree, its parts and wooden products. The reason of such a choice of standards of comparison is linked with the features of the national world view of the Russian people at early stages of development. Estimations as to when comparative idioms of such semantics came into use are often placed at the 19th century, less frequently at the 20th. Special attention is paid to the subject comparative connection. Generally, they serve as the characteristic of the representatives of the masculine gender. The characteristic of representatives of the feminine gender is met quite seldom and demands a change in the standard of comparison. The descriptive method serves as a key method of linguistic analysis in work as it allows the analyzing of the specifics of functioning of a comparative idiom in context and opens implicitly the presented linguo-culturological potential of comparative idioms
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