This systematic review presents the current state of research investigating. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in the high education sphere of the Russian Federation there is the current trend of transnationalization of the social and economic spheres, which dictates to Russian universities to invite more and more foreign students to increase their competitive potential. Purpose of the study to obtain more specific knowledge about the socio-psychological characteristics of Russian university foreign students, achieving a high level of academic achievement, which is the main goal of education. Methods of research: a systematic review and meta-analyses, empirical research, ascertaining experiment. The experiment involved 60 foreign students with different levels of academic achievement.
The study concluded that the socio-psychological identity of foreign students with high academic achievement is determined by the high degree of "I-social", that is, the orientation toward group affiliation, the focus on a critical attitude toward oneself, which allows to control what is happening, the presence of responsibility and the preservation of its satisfactory self-image in the past. The results of this study are used as a basis for organizing and conducting research of various groups of foreign students, taking into account their socio-psychological characteristics.
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