1. Introduction. Research relevance is caused by need of improving an education system. Competences of the teacher of new type have to provide developing innovative behavior in students. The research objective consists in developing necessary conditions, methods and instruments of forming and developing competences of the teacher of new type.
2. Methods. As theoretical and methodological base of a research works of foreign scientists were used (Bezer C., Falkenberg T., Hackett R.S., Harward D., Murphy, J.H.) and domestic scientists (Baranovsky A. I., Hookean M.V., Kislyakov P. A., Seryakova S. B., Tryapitsyn A. P.). Researches of these scientists are devoted to reforms in an education system, to improvements of the state educational standards, forming necessary competences, innovative educational technologies, developing innovative potential of students.
3. Results. First, improving educational process by means of new info-communication technologies of communication is necessary. Secondly, it is necessary to increase motivation of pedagogical collective for forming competences of new type. Thirdly, the development strategy of enterprise universities is necessary. Fourthly, forming the general policy of training at the level of the region or the territory is necessary. Fifthly, it is necessary to improve skills of heads of educational institutions in the field of innovative activity for activation of work on forming competences of new type.
4. Discussion. Need of integration of the theory and practice for educational process remains a debatable problem. Training of specialists has to be brought closer to the real sector of economy. On the other hand the academic science has the advantages in training of specialists to innovative economy.
5. Final report. As conclusions and recommendations the principles and the directions of the strategy of development for an education system taking into account requirements of innovative economy were formulated.
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