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Identification and prioritization of factors affecting services provided by Real Estate Registration Organization of Iran using analytical Hierarchy process (AHP) from viewpoint of clients (case study: Real Estate Registration Organization of Bandar Abbas


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Habibi, H., & Ahmadi, R. (2017). Identification and prioritization of factors affecting services provided by Real Estate Registration Organization of Iran using analytical Hierarchy process (AHP) from viewpoint of clients (case study: Real Estate Registration Organization of Bandar Abbas. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (3), 637-685. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/879


One of the orientations of modern management is consideration of principle of customer-orientation and gaining satisfaction of recipients of services. In the executive and administrative system of Iran, satisfaction of people by the services provided by public systems could be considered as one of the main indices of measurement of efficiency, growth and development of system. In addition to satisfy people in field of receiving services from public systems, these factors can increase public trust, which could be the greatest capital and support for the administrative system. In this study, the author has tried to identify and then prioritize the factors affecting improvement of services provided by Real Estate Registration Organization of Iran using AHP method. Case study in this study is conducted on the Real Estate Registration Organization of Bandar Abbas. This study is an applied study and the data collection method is descriptive survey method. Data collection in this study is done in two main steps. The first step is associated with collection of opinions of experts and the clients about the weight of criteria using AHP questionnaire and the second step is associated with collection of the opinions of clients about the services provided by the Real Estate Registration Organization compared to criteria. In this study, purposive sampling method is used. The clients with degree higher than diploma with the ability to answer the Fuzzy AHP questionnaire were selected as sample individuals and the questionnaires were distributed among them. Due to the difficulty of fulfilling the questionnaire and the time limitation, 100 clients were selected as final sample size and the questionnaires were distributed among them. The questionnaire contains evaluation and prioritization of the criteria extracted using AHP questionnaire. 61 questionnaires out of these questionnaires were applicable and analyzable. To solve the proposed model, Excel software is used. In first step, through analysis of the determinant factors of quality of services in the literature of last 30 years, the common and applicable factors with highest consistency with public centers were identified and were localized through survey of organizational experts and the factors in consistence with the Registration Organization were selected. Among the criteria, 6 criteria with highest frequency including physical dimension (tangibles), reliability, accountability, confidence, quick services (optimized) and ease of access (sympathy) were selected. In next step, the significance and weight of criteria is determined. To this end, Fussy AHP method is used. The ranks of criteria including quality of services provided by real Estate Registration Organization of Bandar Abbas in this study are as follows: rank 1: accountability (0.19); rank 2: reliability (0.185); rank 3: quick services (Optimized) (0.184); rank 4: ease of access (sympathy) (0.17); rank 5: confidence (0.16) and rank 6: physical dimension (0.111)



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