The key problem of the agrarian sector in Russia is the low productivity of agricultural labor, which negatively affects the competitiveness and efficiency of the industry as a whole. Hence the high cost price of agricultural products and products of its processing, inadequate motivation for labor, investment unattractiveness [Klychova G.S., Nizamutdinov M.M., Mavlieva L.M., Safiullin L.N.2014].
But the basis for intensive development of agriculture and ensuring the food security of the Russian Federation is, first of all, the availability of sufficient technical security for agricultural producers. Practice, calculations of specialists show that the energy supply per 100 hectares of arable land should be 300-350 horsepower at the current 150 horsepower.
In addition, the agriculture of the country continues to decline in technology. Part of its shortcoming is compensated by the acquisition of energy-intensive, high-performance equipment and the introduction of resource-saving technologies using combined soil-cultivating and sowing units, minimizing tillage.
However, the equipment of agricultural commodity producers remains at a level that does not allow performing all technological operations in the normative agrotechnical terms and with the necessary quality does not allow to receive programmed yields, which leads to a shortage and loss of production during harvesting.
Therefore, in Tatarstan there is a republican program of technical equipping of agricultural enterprises under the 40:60 scheme with two billion rubles Ño-financing from the budget. It follows that the existing measures of state support for technical and technological development, both at the federal and the level of subjects, are primarily aimed at modernizing large and medium-sized businesses [Klychova G.S., Mavlieva L.M., Klychova A.S., Kulikova L.I.2014].
At the same time, for many types of products, small forms of management (peasant (farm) households, including individual entrepreneurs, and households) provide about half of the total output of products in the industry. However, this category of agricultural producers does not have the financial resources to purchase expensive imported equipment, and they do not fit into the existing schemes, and the measures of state stimulation of this direction at the regional level, in the absence of support from the federal budget, are not sufficient to actually strengthen their material and technical base.
The combination of small forms of management in cooperative structures in order to strengthen energy supply will serve as a further impetus for ensuring substantial growth of their production, food security of the country in non-standard conditions, and modernity.
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