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Cluster approach for Territorial Planning and Development at Regional and Municipal Levels


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Malganova, I., Dohkilgova, D., & Saralinova, D. (2017). Cluster approach for Territorial Planning and Development at Regional and Municipal Levels. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (3), 515-524. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/868


The paper proves the cluster concept for planning the development of territorial entities of the Russian Federation as an effective way for spatial organization of regional economy. Development of solutions for formation of investment-attractive territories and placement of investment sites in the structure of production clusters is of particular importance in the management of the regional development.

An algorithm for integrated assessment of a territory is developed based on the analysis of the prerequisites and priorities for the development of production clusters in a region, assessment of investment potentials and risks of conducting priority economic activities. Solutions are proposed for the organization of investment-attractive territories for the creation of investment sites in the structure of production clusters, and a number of interrelated tasks defining the vector of development of clusters in the region have been identified.

Inclusion of the cluster approach along with the development of priority regional investment projects, and development of industrial parks in the process of program documents elaboration, is an effective way to harmonize the interests of the state and society, to achieve competitive success in the relevant sectors. The competitiveness of the region is determined both by the availability of efficient branches or segments of an industry, and by the ability of regional authorities to create conditions for enterprises in the region to achieve and retain a competitive advantage in certain areas. Over the past decade, the cluster concept for planning the development of a territorial entity of the Russian Federation has become increasingly important, according to this concept the region competitiveness depends on the presence of clusters of interconnected industries on its territory, what requires a comprehensive assessment of conditions in the territory, its strengths and weaknesses, potential threats and opportunities for development.

Improvement of the current mechanism for preparation of a development strategy and elaboration of spatial planning documents for the long term at the regional level requires expanding the range of analytical tools for integrated assessment of the potential of a territory, investment potentials and risks, analysis of the prerequisites and priorities for the development of production clusters in order to optimize the territorial development at regional and municipal levels.  



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