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Methodological Approach to Development of Export Commodity Groups of The Region



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Rashitovich Safiullin, A., Shamilevna Usanova, D., Ajupovna Shugaepova, A., & Irekovna Ravzieva, D. (2017). Methodological Approach to Development of Export Commodity Groups of The Region. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (3), 235-247. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/845


The present article covers questions of analyses of world commodity markets as well as development and diversification of regional export portfolio. The methodological approach presupposes multi-level analysis, which consists of several stages: the structural analysis of international markets, as well as the assessment of the export portfolio of the region and variants of the development of export directions. The first stage involves analysis of international dynamics and trends in the international commodity markets. The next stage consists on analysis of attractiveness of commodity groups. Also, the methodology involves assessing the region's export portfolio on it average profitability (ER), the weighted average relatedness of commodity groups in the portfolio of the region in the presence of commodity groups, which have a comparative advantage (EP). The presented methodology may be the base in the identification of priority directions of region”™s export. It helps to outline probable scenarios of the strategic diversification of the export portfolio. One of the stages of it is analysis of the competition in the major export and import world markets, which helps to outline main consumers and producers of the priority directions of regional economy. Priority in the strategic perspective commodity groups are estimated by indicators of contribution to the region economic growth, their possibility of joint export in the current export portfolio.



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