The article deals with the methodology of the designing of region”™s industrial profile. It may provide a balanced and sustainable socio-economic growth of the territory. We analyzed region”™s economic activities, conditions of each of the region. The temporal aspect affects the six years from 2007 to 2012, separately considering the crisis period, determining the extent of its impact on the indicators of economic development. At the first stage of the study carried out a structural analysis of EA”™s markets, each evaluates in order to assess the degree of region”™s influence on the market as a whole. In order to determine the level of competition on the EA”™s market concentration ratio was calculated Herfindahl-Hirschman Index. In order to determine the degree of specialization of the region in a particular EA there were used the coefficient of localization of industrial production that is used in practice for economic justification of production allocation. Assessment of business environment and the attractiveness of the region for employees, realized through dynamic analysis of the internal socio-economic indicators. We hold a cluster analysis of regions on the markets of analyzed economic activities with the purpose is to define the "ideal" clusters for each of the EA and to select those regions whose parameters satisfy the conditions of measured cluster. As a result, for each EA prepared a list of regions whose values had occasion to enter the cluster boundaries. Thus, for these regions analyzed EA is a prioritized for inclusion it in the region”™s industrial portfolio, having favorable conditions for the operation facilities and provides the best current position for leading regions. The presented methodology helps to outline the features of the regional strategic development and to design the portfolio of types of economic activities, ensures the implementation of region”™s strategic priorities. The main methods of the study are following; structural analysis of the regional economy, strategic planning and cluster analysis methods and binary logic.
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