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Analysis of the publications on the productive matrix referred to in Google Scholar during the period 2000-2014
Revista Publicando. Vol2. No 2. 2015
PDF (Spanish)


Productive Matrix
Good living
Sumak Kawsay
Academic google


How to Cite

Pazmiño, J. F. (2015). Analysis of the publications on the productive matrix referred to in Google Scholar during the period 2000-2014. Revista Publicando, 2(3), 25-31. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/54


Using the Academic Google, a Database was prepared, with a total of 869 references, which allows locating the study of the subject on the productive matrix, both in its conceptual relationship with important aspects such as: territorial development, experience of certain countries, good living and sumak kawsay, as in relation to more specific works on this subject.

The results obtained indicate that the subject of productive matrix, although it is being addressed in different theses, has not been addressed in terms of its publication in indexed journals and indicated that it is a subject that, while requiring theoretical depth, can and should be approached in the current context of what the Ecuadorian experience can mean in it.

PDF (Spanish)


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Copyright (c) 2019 Jhony Fabián Pazmiño


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