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Project for the labor inclusion of people with disabilities in the business sector of the Province of Los Ríos.
Revista Publicando. Vol2. No 2. 2015
PDF (Spanish)




How to Cite

Pastrano Quintana, E. V., Arévalo Briones, K. P., & González Guaní­n, C. J. (2015). Project for the labor inclusion of people with disabilities in the business sector of the Province of Los Ríos. Revista Publicando, 2(3), 184-196. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/53


The research proposes to develop an analysis of the labor inclusion of people with disabilities in accordance with compliance with inclusive labor policies implemented by the state in public and private companies in the Province of Los Ríos, Ecuador. This project will evaluate the labor inclusion of people with disabilities in the business sector of the Province of Los Ríos through compliance with the inclusive public labor policy from the objectives of good living, taking into consideration for its analysis the constitutional norm, code of work, universal principles and international treaties for this reason, our study includes: Evaluating the labor inclusion of people with disabilities and its incidence in the development of the business sector in the Province of Los Ríos. Identify people with disabilities included in the labor force in the business sector of the Province of Los Ríos. Analyze the performance and contribution of the work scenarios of people with disabilities in the development of companies. Investigate the necessary labor competencies in the business sector for the inclusion of people with disabilities. Implement an Occupational Center at the University (COIUTEQ) (Inclusive Occupational Center of the State Technical University of Quevedo) to strengthen the labor inclusion of people with disabilities in public and private companies in the Province of Los Ríos.

PDF (Spanish)


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Edgar Vicente Pastrano Quintana, Karina Patricia Arévalo Briones, Carlos Julio González Guaní­n


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