The progressive and permanent changes generated by the so-called technological revolution and whose fundamental axes were innovation in all fields of science and in particular in information and communication technologies, TICs, have not only determined multidimensional changes, but also They have given rise to a new productive paradigm in the Latin American region, "the knowledge economy", based on a new cultural model called "cyberculture" and / or "technoculture".
What happened to cultural heritage and national and regional cultural identity? Is cyberculture the new paradigm that redefines both concepts?
In the 21st century society, learning is the most important source of wealth, well-being, the ability to compete and cooperate in peace. Consequently, each government, each educational institution has to start by accepting the need to transform, be more dynamic, flexible and responsible to the community with which they interact and reflect on the cultural heritage and identity of peoples.
The present work is based on the following affirmation “the true creation of value is directly related to the creativity of the man that motivates the invention and innovation on the generation and use of digital tools, therefore, the individual is the maker of a new dimension of the culture of the XXI century. Throughout its development the work tries to:
Describe how NTIC´s are transversal to all sectors: economic-financial, political-legal, social and ecological, which determines that they are strategically key to promoting sustainable development and growth in the region.
Demonstrate how NTIC´s can facilitate the management of policies on heritage and national and regional cultural identity, only to the extent that we know how to use them, for what and when.
Recognize the great challenge for the University to provide the necessary elements to configure a new model of society where man does not feel oppressed by great technological advances, and where peoples benefit equally from technological advances.
Darin, Susana (2007) “Gestión estratégica del conocimiento. Universidad y NTIC´s: desafíos y oportunidades en América Latina”, presentado en el Congreso Internacional Informática 2007, La Habana, Cuba.
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Schultz, Margarita y otros (2007) “El factor humano en la Cibercultura”, 1º edición, Buenos Aires, Alfagrama.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Susana Beatriz Darin