Gender violence and social change
Portada del último número de Revista Publicando
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gender violence
social change
social structure
public policies


How to Cite

Gender violence and social change. (2024). Revista Publicando, 11(44), 85-96.


Gender violence, a manifestation rooted in discrimination and inequality, has emerged as one of the main concerns worldwide in recent decades. It transcends the individual, revealing itself as a phenomenon deeply rooted in social and cultural structures. Social change, understood as the transformation of norms, institutions and power relations, is essential to understanding and combating gender-based violence. In the case of Spain, there has been notable progress in the social and political recognition of this problem, which was previously relegated to the private sphere. This paradigm shift reflects an evolution in thought structures and in collective consciousness. However, despite legislative advances and the public policies implemented, significant challenges remain. Among the pending challenges, the need to strengthen educational and awareness-raising measures stands out, both in the school environment and in society in general. Likewise, it is imperative to guarantee comprehensive care for victims, which includes not only psychological and legal support, but also social and economic protection. Although reports of gender-based violence have increased, reflecting greater awareness and willingness to report, the problem remains complex and multifactorial, requiring a coordinated and sustained response from all institutions and society as a whole.

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