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The Competitiveness: The desire that leads to a strategic management of manufacturing SMEs in zone 5 - Ecuador
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Zúñiga Santillán, X. L., Tapia Núñez, D. W., Espinoza Toalombo, R. A., & Romero Cardenas, E. J. (2024). The Competitiveness: The desire that leads to a strategic management of manufacturing SMEs in zone 5 - Ecuador. Revista Publicando, 11(43), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol11.id2418


The Manufacturing SMEs in Zone 5 – Ecuador maintain operations that allow them to survive; however, they face a problem that currently jeopardizes their market presence. This issue is related to their limited competitiveness, which stems from weak and sometimes empirical strategic management. This situation prompted an investigation into the strategic management practices of these businesses and how they influence competitiveness. It was considered necessary for management to focus on: strategic human talent management, the use of ICTs, the implementation of quality measures, marketing, production management, and especially strategic planning. The objective is to establish how strategic management fosters the competitiveness of Manufacturing SMEs in Zone 5 – Ecuador. The methodology focused on a quantitative, descriptive, exploratory, and correlational approach. Additionally, a survey was conducted with owners or managers of the SMEs under study, totaling 112 respondents. Together with the theoretical description of variables and the use of the statistical software SPSS for hypothesis testing through the Chi-Square test, a p-value < 0.05 was obtained, thus proving the cause-effect relationship. In conclusion, strategic management does influence the competitiveness of Manufacturing SMEs in Zone 5.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Xiomara Leticia Zúñiga Santillán, Diego Wladimir Tapia Núñez, Rosa Aurora Espinoza Toalombo, Erika Jadira Romero Cardenas


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