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The production of meaning as a phenomenon of representation and attitude towards an era
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How to Cite

Díaz Perojo, R. L. (2024). The production of meaning as a phenomenon of representation and attitude towards an era. Revista Publicando, 11(43), 15-30. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol11.id2417


The issue of the production of meaning has entered the contemporary philosophical debate as a matter of new affiliations and a fervent commitment to practical philosophy. Not least, the production of meaning stands as the sojourn in which language renews the essentials of being and thought. However, the place of the production of meaning as a signifying practice for an interpretation/opening of the world has been confined to a moment of immobilization. From this point of view, the proposal to restore/redeem the production of meaning and make it viable as a phenomenon of representation and attitude; while proposing a solution, determines the internal restructuring of the historical-cultural, relocating the spaces of sign and symbol. Hence, phenomenology and hermeneutics have been inserted by contemporaneity as a generic point for the very reading of urgent daily issues. This image is inserted in a particular concrete situation, that is, at the very moment when the experience of language as a real practice of thought converges the question of text with the question of meaning. In this way, the subject in process documents its internal dynamics, while correcting its limits in the narrative of the contemporary world. Therefore, it is a hermeneutic of culture.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Roberto Luis Díaz Perojo


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