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Digital ecosystem for multisensory stimulation in children with Down syndrome
PDF (Spanish)


Digital ecosystem
multisensory stimulation
Down Syndrome


How to Cite

Abril Ruiz, E. A., & Abril Ruiz , R. S. (2023). Digital ecosystem for multisensory stimulation in children with Down syndrome. Revista Publicando, 10(40), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol10.id2398


Multisensory stimulation at early ages is an effective and valid strategy to treat people with a disability or disorder such as Down syndrome, as it develops their cognitive, physical and sensory abilities. Therefore, in order to generate answers from the technological field, a digital ecosystem was implemented for multisensory stimulation in children with Down syndrome. This proposal was developed according to the criteria of professionals in the area, using the methodology of Gimeno and Rico, which highlights the importance of the education of the senses in the integral formation, in the process of acquiring knowledge and understanding of the world of individuals. The ecosystem consists of three interactive panels, where each one stimulates different skills, through lights, sounds, smells, textures, sensors, push buttons, figures, electronic components and other didactic materials, so that children can perform different sensory perception activities. The project was complemented with a mobile application to manage resources of the electronic structure and a web app designed to monitor the child's progress, using the evaluation tool of the chosen methodology. For which, the application was developed under the concept of front-end and back-end, using the Vue Js and Laravel frameworks respectively. Therefore, with the implementation of this ecosystem, we were able to develop a new useful tool to improve and innovate multisensory therapy in children with Down syndrome, contributing to their comprehensive cognitive, physical and sensory development.

PDF (Spanish)


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Estefanía Alexandra Abril Ruiz, Ricardo Sebastián Abril Ruiz


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