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Development of tourist products as management of entrepreneurship in times of uncertainty in the parish “La Victoria"
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tourism products
entrepreneurship management


How to Cite

Pauta-Chicaiza, C., & Nasimba-Suntaxi, C. (2023). Development of tourist products as management of entrepreneurship in times of uncertainty in the parish “La Victoria". Revista Publicando, 10(39), 64-93. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol10.id2385


The research was carried out with the objective of analyzing tourism products as entrepreneurship management in times of uncertainty in the artisanal sector of the La Victoria´s town located in the Pujilí canton, belonging to the Cotopaxi province, during the period 2021-2022. methodology that consisted of a qualitative, exploratory approach, correlational level, non-experimental design, descriptive and field scope, where it was possible to collect information through the use of surveys aimed at entrepreneurial artisans and tourists who visit the town. In turn, methodologies were used for the identification of the entrepreneur profile proposed by (Pérez & Martins, 2017) as well as for the identification of the tourist profile proposed by (Hernández, 2019). Said information collected through the application of the different methods, instruments and techniques allowed to answer the question posed in the investigation and the existence of a relationship between the development of the tourist products that exist in the town with the management of the enterprises of the artisanal sector of the La Victoria’s town. his research work is part of a larger project entitled: "Development of a technological accounting, financial and tourism management system for the artisanal sector of the La Victoria’s town, Pujilí canton, Cotopaxi province"

PDF (Spanish)


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Carolina Pauta-Chicaiza, Cristina Nasimba-Suntaxi


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