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Level of financial literacy and ICT use in high school students: Comparison between public, fiscomisional and private education systems
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multiple regression
financial literacy


How to Cite

Narváez Tapia, . J. D., López-Lapo, J. L. ., & Hernández-Ocampo, S. E. (2023). Level of financial literacy and ICT use in high school students: Comparison between public, fiscomisional and private education systems. Revista Publicando, 10(39), 30-45. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol10.id2377


Financial education is essential to achieve long-term economic stability and reinforce basic financial literacy, and its combination with new technologies can be a powerful tool for this purpose. This research focuses on characterising the financial literacy profile of students and determining the relationship between financial education and ICT use. The study was conducted with a sample of 923 high school students from public, fiscomisional and private educational institutions in the city of Loja, Ecuador, using a quantitative, descriptive, correlational and exploratory approach. A multiple linear regression model was used to analyse the relationship between the variables under study. The results indicate that high school students have an adequate level of financial literacy, although the private education system has better results and is above the other two education systems. In addition, a joint linear relationship was found between financial literacy and ICT use in the public system; however, in the private and fiscomisional system there is no such relationship. In conclusion, the research highlights the importance of promoting financial education and its integration with ICT in the education system to improve young people's financial literacy and prepare them for a successful financial future.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Juan Diego Narváez Tapia, Jorge Luis López-Lapo, Silvana Elizabeth Hernández-Ocampo


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