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Circular economy as a basis for corporate sustainability
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circular economy


How to Cite

Soria Flores, E. R., Cabascango Jaramillo, J. C., Villegas Estévez, C. J., & Pérez González, Álvaro R. (2023). Circular economy as a basis for corporate sustainability. Revista Publicando, 10(38), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol10.id2358


The world is on the verge of collapse, both in terms of the depletion of raw materials and the increase in pollution caused by the waste produced by humanity. The current linear economy model makes it possible that in the medium or short term, the collapse of the economy, the environment, and, therefore, of society will occur, bringing the possible end of humanity as a logical consequence. Economic relations based on a Circular Economy model of use and reuse of products, eliminating as much waste as possible, would avoid the fate predicted by the old economic model. To try to analyze this, we conducted a bibliographic review of scientific articles, books, and mainstream journals that deal with the subject exemplifying the steps being taken in implementing circular economies applied to different branches of the productive process. The present work is, therefore, the realization of an updated bibliographic search of articles and specialized pieces that bring the topic of circular economy closer to its manifestation as a basis for business sustainability and, therefore, for the economies of countries, especially in the area of underdeveloped nations according to the availability of material resources and their sustained depletion.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Edwing Rolando Soria Flores, Janeth Carolina Cabascango Jaramillo, Cristina Jaqueline Villegas Estévez, Álvaro René Pérez González


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