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Accounting and financial diagnosis and its impact on efficiency business of the Artisan Sector in La Victoria’s town, Pujilí canton, Cotopaxi province during the periods 2019-2021
issue 35 of Revista Publicando
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La Victoria town
accounting implementation
economic reactivation


How to Cite

Ayala-Toaquiza, K., Ponce-Molina, D., & Cárdenas-Pérez, A. (2022). Accounting and financial diagnosis and its impact on efficiency business of the Artisan Sector in La Victoria’s town, Pujilí canton, Cotopaxi province during the periods 2019-2021. Revista Publicando, 9(35), 50-63. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol9.id2338


The purpose of this research is to analyze the implementation of international accounting standards focused on IAS 2 "Inventories", IAS 16 "Property, Plant and Equipment" and IAS 19 "Employee Benefits" and its impact on the business efficiency of the Craft Sector from the parish of La Victoria. A diagnosis was made focused on gathering information on the accounting and financial culture of micro entrepreneurs in the normal course of their operations. An exploratory quantitative research was carried out, based on a bibliographic and documentary review in order to use a correlational model for the analysis of data collected through the survey. The information with which we worked was obtained directly from the Artisans of the sector and a sample was chosen based on previous related works made up of 18 producers. Since the sample size was less than 30, Spearman's coefficient was used to perform the correlational analysis. The results showed that within the target population, the implementation of accounting regulations has a considerable positive impact on business efficiency, this could be explained by the fact that there is empirical knowledge, but not specialized, about accounting procedures by micro producers, which related to the normal development of your business and the active participation of the Government in the tax collection process.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Kevin Ayala-Toaquiza, David Ponce-Molina, Alisva Cárdenas-Pérez


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