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Study of psychosocial risk factors in a workplace in the oil sector
issue 35 of Revista Publicando
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psychosocial factors
work environment
occupational risk


How to Cite

Márquez, R., Sánchez Trinidad, R. D. C., Sánchez Trinidad, A. del C., & Castillo Méndez, R. D. C. (2022). Study of psychosocial risk factors in a workplace in the oil sector. Revista Publicando, 9(35), 106-115. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol9.id2328


The research indicates the psychosocial factors that influence the organizational situation and the consequences on the work performance of the personnel collaborating in the Centro Técnico Administrativo (CTA) South Region of the oil sector in Mexico. The study was carried out through the application of instruments that evaluate psychosocial factors in a work environment; these were selected for their reliability, validity, and standardization to environments similar to the organization under study; the research process is complemented with a behavioral observation made to a representative sample of the population, where, through the analysis of the relationship between the data obtained from the instruments and the verbal and corporal expressions of the collaborators, the significant indicators that contributed to the confirmation of the current situation of psychosocial risks in the work environment were detected. Finally, according to the results, improvement actions were proposed for the organization to address the findings obtained.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Raymundo Márquez, Rosa Del Carmen Sánchez Trinidad, Adriana del Carmen Sánchez Trinidad, Rocío Del Carmen Castillo Méndez


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