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Higher education in the face of globalization
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higher education


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Felipe García, L. (2022). Higher education in the face of globalization. Revista Publicando, 9(34), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol9.id2317


The transformations of higher education systems during the last phase of globalization have been decisive in how they relate to the international sphere. Their functions, objectives, and structure have changed according to the new demands within a global context in which national interests have been subordinated to the new conditions of global competitiveness. This competitiveness has been regulated within the framework of new systems of classification and evaluation, as well as new mechanisms of supranational integration, and plays a crucial role in the functioning of tertiary education institutions. The projection of the expansion and consolidation of globalization makes it possible to foresee the continuous evolution of regional and international integration mechanisms and the geopolitical circumstances that will define these spaces of exchange and competition.

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