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Rural tourism and sustainable local development from the perception of the population in the parish Ingapirca
revista publicando número 33
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Rural tourism
local development


How to Cite

Alvarez Alvarado, R. (2022). Rural tourism and sustainable local development from the perception of the population in the parish Ingapirca. Revista Publicando, 9(33), 67-86. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol9.id2278


This paper analyses the effect of rural tourism as an alternative for sustainable local development in the parish of Ingapirca, taking as a reference the inhabitants' perception. It was developed from a qualitative case study perspective by applying a survey to the town's inhabitants and tourists who visit the area. According to the research carried out, an essential touristic offer is necessary to meet visitors' needs. The tourist demand for 2019 and 2020 was identified and characterized as considerable. In addition, through the surveys, it was possible to know the satisfaction of the visitor and tourist; through the same method and instrument of the surveys, the perception of the inhabitants of the locality who work in an area related to tourism was known. The paper concludes that subjects consider tourism has not influenced the parish's development. They estimate that tourism has generated some jobs and, therefore, helped them create some income. However, they are not satisfied because they consider that rural tourism can be further enhanced in this town.

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