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Workday: repercussions on the Ecuadorian economy in times of COVID-19
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Working hours
Organic Law of Humanitarian Support


How to Cite

Cañarte Pin, J. M., Castillo Viteri, M. A., Campuzano Jama, E. I., & Parrales Poveda, . M. L. (2021). Workday: repercussions on the Ecuadorian economy in times of COVID-19. Revista Publicando, 8(31), 414-426. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol8.id2260


In recent months, because of the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 virus, Ecuador was forced to have thousands of workers performing their work through teleworking or remotely. The reduction of productive activities implied the reduction of personnel in the organizations, as a counterpart to counteract unemployment, the working day was reduced. This generated an abrupt and unplanned change, marked by severe problems of access to technologies, lack of space in homes, compatibility of family responsibilities, as well as health and safety dilemmas linked to these new forms of work. This descriptive and documentary research was carried out to characterize the effects of the reduction of working hours in the Ecuadorian economy during the SARS-CoV-2 period, to determine the impact of the reduction of working hours. This allowed us to know that the mutual agreement and discipline among business actors to adjust to the new special work modalities established in the current regulations of the Organic Law of Humanitarian Support is key to reduce the unemployment rate and face the new reality.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 José Manuel Cañarte Pin, Mildred Andreina Castillo Viteri, Ericka Isabel Campuzano Jama, María Leonor Parrales Poveda


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