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Statistical analysis of production levels in Ecuadorian MIPYMES during COVID-19
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statistical analysis
production levels


How to Cite

Bravo Cedeño, M. C., Muñoz Salgado, R. J., & Loor Zambrano, H. Y. (2021). Statistical analysis of production levels in Ecuadorian MIPYMES during COVID-19. Revista Publicando, 8(31), 379-391. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol8.id2257


The MSME sector is currently severely affected by the social and economic crisis that the entire world is going through due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of the official declaration of the disease as a pandemic, the whole world begins to close its doors and to confine itself as a sanitary measure to combat the disease, bringing with it the paralyzation of productive activities in the world economy. The purpose of this work is to establish the statistical analysis of the production levels of Ecuadorian MSMEs during COVID-19. It was found that MSMEs are the source of movement of Ecuador's economy and with the stoppage of productive activities due to the pandemic they were about 70% active, many were forced to seek a response to this new situation in order to address the series of economic challenges posed by the crisis with new strategic plans that would allow them to continue in the market. The National Institute of Statistics (INEC) was able to report the production levels of different economic sectors, noting the monthly and annual incidences in each area and the repercussions at the economic level that would bring with it only until September 2020 when the humanitarian crisis in the country worsened because of the coronavirus.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Martha Cecilia Bravo Cedeño, Rita Jaritza Muñoz Salgado, Halder Yandry Loor Zambrano


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