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Female entrepreneurship in a pandemic. A reality in the women of the northwest of Guayaquil, Ecuador
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How to Cite

Proaño Castro, M. F., Segarra Jaime, H. P., & Jara Nivelo, J. J. (2021). Female entrepreneurship in a pandemic. A reality in the women of the northwest of Guayaquil, Ecuador. Revista Publicando, 8(31), 117-127. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol8.id2238


The pandemic product of COVID-19 has disrupted every corner of the world, Ecuador is not the exception but beyond the social and economic problems that it has brought with it, it has been essential to achieve the development of new female ventures that have been a fundamental basis to achieve the sustenance of the families in the northwest of Guayaquil. The general objective of this research is to analyze female entrepreneurship in Pandemic as a reality present in women in the northwest of Guayaquil. As a conclusion, it is determined that a large number of women in the northwest area of ​​Guayaquil take the step to enter the world of entrepreneurship, although it has been by necessity the purpose of getting ahead and being able to meet the needs that push them to be more and more active. Within the economy of the country, managing to erase the existing inequality gaps in front of men, this has allowed breaking barriers, and at present with fallen economies and high unemployment rates help to make the reality of these women belonging to the area of northwest of Guayaquil can improve, giving an impulse to achieve economic independence, and income of resources that give them the opportunity to be able to meet their needs, being collaborators of the expenses in their homes and even being in charge of carrying the daily sustenance.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Milton Felipe Proaño Castro, Humberto Pedro Segarra Jaime, Jimmy Javier Jara Nivelo


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