In this globalized and changing world, achieving the maximum point of productivity is fundamental in companies, since this will allow them to stand out, to position themselves and to be the best option in front of their competition. In this sense, the main objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between leadership and business productivity. The methodology implies a non-experimental design with a qualitative descriptive level. The conclusion is that both the factors that influence the performance of a company, as well as the different ways to encourage and generate greater productivity in their employees, are some of the ways that are intended to make known and that from the perspective that some authors have stated, it is the company who must design plans or alternatives that allow their employees to collaborate. It is also emphasized that productivity is extremely important to achieve economic development of both the company and the country where it is located, which in turn will allow it to stand out from the competition. The leader must always be focused on the goals and visions of the company so that it is in line with the ideas of the personnel.
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