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Family-school communication relationship in the Ecuadorian educational context
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Vega Buenaño, F. S., Bustos Yépez , M. J., & Navas Franco, L. E. (2021). Family-school communication relationship in the Ecuadorian educational context. Revista Publicando, 8(32), 33-50. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol8.id2221


The current work is located in the research referred to family-school communication, it seeks to investigate the levels of communication of parents, legal representatives or families with the school within the school activities in the educational institutions of the Costa, Sierra and Amazonía regions, in the urban and rural sectors of the Ecuadorian educational context. The work focuses on a descriptive quantitative analysis, the survey was used as an instrument which was validated and later applied to parents at a national level in all the regions of the country except for the insular one. A simple random sampling and by strata was carried out, for the statistical analysis the Anova of one factor was used for the levels of study and a factorial Anova for the region and the sector. The results show that communication is related to the parents' level of studies (Pr=9.06e-10), that is, the higher the level of studies, the better the parents' communication with the school; the region and sector do not reveal significant data, in this case the parents' communication with the school is the same for the three regions and sectors of the study. It is concluded that the degree of studies of the family members has an impact on the levels of communication, but the region and the sector have nothing to do with the parents' communication with the school.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Fernando Sebastián Vega Buenaño, Morayma Jimena Bustos Yépez , Lourdes Elizabeth Navas Franco


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