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Calculation and interpretation of Cronbach's Alpha for the validation of the internal consistency of a questionnaire, with two possible Likert scales
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Cronbach's alpha
Likert scale
FACTOR program
validation of scales
internal consistency


How to Cite

González Alonso, J. A., & Pazmiño Santacruz, M. (2015). Calculation and interpretation of Cronbach’s Alpha for the validation of the internal consistency of a questionnaire, with two possible Likert scales. Revista Publicando, 2(2), 62-77. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/22


Three alternatives for calculating Cronbach's alpha were used. These were: by the variance of the items using MS Excel, using SPSS (22) and using the statistical software package free distribution Factor (9.3). These three variants were applied to validate the internal consistency of a questionnaire, with two possible Likert scales, one of five points and another with seven. This questionnaire was designed for the analysis of the criteria for students specializing in Business Administration at the Universidad Central del Ecuador; in connection with the performance of the teacher, the course syllabus, assessment and recommended readings. It is argued that for an effective application of Cronbach alpha should be keep in mind that this coefficient must be considered within the broader problematic of reliability analysis and considerations regarding its application for the use ordinal response scales or Likert scales. The Factor (9.3) package was appropriate to explore relatively simple alternatives such as exclusion of variables or the option to use a polychoric correlation matrixThe results confirm that it is insufficient an ordinary calculation of Cronbach's alpha to validate a scale, which was the case for the five-point Likert scale. Based on the results obtained may recommend the use of a Likert scale of 7 points

PDF (Spanish)


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Copyright (c) 2019 Jorge Alberto González Alonso, Mauro Pazmiño Santacruz


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