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Altmetric study about the analysis of the scientific production in connection with COVID-19 from the academic social network ResearchGate (2019-2021)
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scientific production
altmetrics indicators
science evaluation


How to Cite

Sosa Valdés, L. M., Martínez Prince, R., Licea Jiménez, I., & Licea Puig, M. (2021). Altmetric study about the analysis of the scientific production in connection with COVID-19 from the academic social network ResearchGate (2019-2021). Revista Publicando, 8(32), 3-11. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol8.id2199


The research presents the analysis of the scientific production on COVID-19, using altmetrics indicators, in the academic social network ResearchGate during the period 2019-2021. Theoretical-conceptual foundations on the evaluation of science, academic social networks and altmetrics are exposed. The academic social network ResearchGate is characterized as a source of study. A descriptive, non-experimental and cross-sectional study is proposed. Research on COVID-19 is a topic that generates great interest worldwide since we are facing a pandemic of which little is known and there is still no effective means for its control, hence the scientific production on the disease continues growing and with it the need to visualize and make available to all research results, using the social media of web 2.0. Evaluating the scientific production on COVID-19 in an academic social network will allow to know the impact and academic and social visibility that the subject has had in the scientific community and society from the early stages of the research.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Lisandra María Sosa Valdés, Riselis Martínez Prince, Idania Licea Jiménez, Manuel Licea Puig


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